way back – Doctor Visit

So, I’m off to the orthopeadic clinic tomorrow. Might have partially healed stress fractures in both legs… might have to work on my training regiment for Ultimate… Adding more warmup time and stretching would probably be a good thing. Maybe it’s just a sign I’m getting old. 🙂 nah But it at least it explains why my legs hurt when I try to just jog around. I spent a lot of time this week looking up websites and reading up on the differences between pain from shin splints and stress fractures. not sure at this point, but it could have been bad. It’s probably not a good thing that I keep running through the pain. I’d say I’ve had this pain since January, if not before. Guess I get to take a few weeks off, maybe just show up at the fields to throw the disc around.

AAOS Stress Fracture Fact Sheet
CNN Health: Stress Fractures

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