Way Back – Nothing Much

Nothing notable going on around here. Can’t believe that it’s aleady the end of October. The last three months have passed quickly. Ok, so I’m digging for a topic for a blog entry. Something to justify sharing it with the world.

humm.. nothing much..

lets see.. my bell south phone is picking up lots of static, and at somepoint someone dropped it and the phone hasn’t been the same since. It lost everyother letter/digit in the caller id widow, so it almost doesn’t make the money I pay for caller id each month as worth while. I just can’t justify spending more money on another phone though. I’ve just added it to the list of things that went badly.

Anyways, I’m going to have fun this weekend. I’ve taken two days off, something I’ve not done in a while.

Thinking about going to Florence, Italy in June.. need to save up a ton of money to go. Can you believe it, FOUR weeks touring one of the world’s greatest historic art centers….. I would have to chose between drawing, painting, photography or graphic design. oh geez, what a decision… I think I’m going to go grab my Art History text books and do a bit of relearning…

Talk to everyone later.

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