way back – Disc Throwing

entry sparked by rec.sport.disc.

question: My backhand is pretty lacking and I am sure that it is due to lack of wrist snap in that direction. So, how should I go about to develop more wrist snap on my backhands? Just keep throwing and throwing and throwing?

My thoughts, which follow some of what the conversation did. Grip is usually 60-70 percent of accuracy and distance problems. Many times, people grip the disc lightly and it floats out of their hands. This increases the stiffness of your hand and wrist with increases wrist snap. also helps keep the disc in a straight line. Like a cross between a karate chop and snapping your fingers.

One comment made by Mike Gerics was also interesting.. I’d never thought of the comments I make while helping others with their throwing….
when i try to get folks to grip the disc tighter and use more wrist snap. the first throw is most often a zinger that is way off target. and as it flies by me.and while i am chasing it i always say “that’s the best throw i’ve seen you make, yet”
they laugh and think i am making fun of them. i assure them…”i’m not joking…..proper throwing form is the hard part….getting the aim down, is easy….we’ll work on that next”

All I can say is this is very true! Working on changing your throws, breaking old habbits takes a bit of time. It means while your throwing before practice/pickup, pretending that you have a defender on you. Don’t just stand straight and throwing directly at the other person. Establish a pivot foot. Lunge with the other leg and throw.. concentrate on accuracy. Avoid trick throws during warmsup until you have the basics down.. Once you have the basics it’s incredibly easy to pick up those trick throws.

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