way back – strange uncontrolable urges

humorous interchange:
M: off to lunch.
K: where you going?
M: home, I’ve left over pizza.
K: sounds good, what kind?
M: artichoke, sliced tomato and pepper jack cheese.
K: *look of disgust* So you just having a cheese pizza and where’s your meat?
M: *look of disbelief* no…, it’s not a cheese pizza, it has artichokes and tomatos.
K: so you’re just having a cheese pizza?
M: a cheese pizza has nothing but cheese
K: so the cheese was your meat?
M: oh geez, I have to go to lunch.

Side Note: K believes there should be a meat item with every meal.

Random thought?
Whats the sense of winning an expensive makeover and telling them to not cut your hair? Hair grows back, doesn’t it? and is it really a makeover if all you get is a trim?

way back – Administrative Professionals Day..

One faculty member gave everyone on staff roses. I think the last time I received roses was back in ’96 for Valentine’s day…. from my dad. The Director of the program took the staff out to lunch at Dali’s, a Spanish resturant. The food was excellent, although I didn’t order the grilled squid this time. It’s one thing to shock your brother and parents, quite another to shock your co-workers, though I think they’re pretty used to it by now. Perhaps they’ve even come to expect it since I’m the “creative one”, who is usually a little off the wall.. or at least a little off the beaten path.

Way back – Summer League Finally

Summer League Logo
Finally decided to pull the plug and post the draft registration for this year’s Summer Ultimate Frisbee League for Mid Missouri. I could continually micro-manage it if I wanted, but you have to know when to say that’s enough. Which is usually right before you brother, who has been a huge help, thinks about yelling at you through the compter screen via an IM client.

way back – personality cipher

A friend sent me this “quiz.” If I’d just seen what the different “personality types” I probably would have picked this one anyway.

Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who’s extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.