Way Back – Ultimate League!!

Ok, so I’m officially buckling down and organizing another summer league. I asked a friend of mine, Gabe, from Kansas City about how Kansas City runs their league and this is what he sent back. Sounds pretty fun! Portland has something similar draft setup.

Gabe’s letter:
Let me give you some history. For several years we did team registration. This was fine but people would whore over to other teams if their team wasn’t there one week. Three years ago some people came back from Chicago and took charge of things and we went to a draft. I was a captain two of those three years and it went the same both years.
The first week / night there was a hat tournament this night people paid, registered and got their disc. During the registration process people filled out a questionnaire (name, gender, playing experience 1-5 (one being no experience, two played once or twice, three summer league player, four played in a tournament one or two, five being club level), what percentage of the games you can make and can you make the tournament at the end of the season). While they played in the hat tournament the captain that they were assigned to for that night / game would rate them 1-5 and put any comments down. These sheets were then pulled all together and names were sorta by gender then rank. Now your ready for the draft.

We planned on putting 12-16 people on each team so make sure you have that many captains. This past year we went into the hat tournament with ten captain and after that night we had to find two more captains. We picked women first one year then men first the other. We did a random serpentine draft where everyone pick a number from a hat and the number one pick a player, then a two picked a player and so on up to 10 or 12. Then the last person that picks gets to pick again and you go back down. During the draft remember that each captain is probably a 5 so they should loose a pick for the first round of their gender. Between all the captains we knew everyone on the roster with a few exceptions. Talk about players ’cause the idea is to get even teams. Know that when people are picking players they don’t have to pick a five the first round they could pick a one but it will affect their team.

One of the the things we did was to let people play with one other person. The catch was both people would have to list the other person on their form. This was decided so that spouses / sig others could play together. If you do allow partners to play together you have to keep track of how many additional picks are made. i.e. I could pick a five woman and get her five husband on my team so I would loose a round in the men’s draft for that pick.

Since it was / is a coed league we made a rule that you have to have a least two of each gender on the field at all times. I would have loved to have seen that three but our female numbers couldn’t support it. If you can’t play at least two you play what you can and you play short numbers. Talk with the captains about how they want to view summer league. For me it was a chance to scout new talent and for me to work on some throws. For others they just wanted to win at all costs. You will get some people that are real anal about rules but remember you will have some people out there that only know football and just touched a disc. It is not uncommon for the first half of the season to stop play and explain the rules to the offending party and everybody and give NO penalty for the infraction. But you guys tend to be more laid back anyway. 🙂

We played once a week although there was some talk to move that to twice a week. We played on Thursday nights that gave people there weekends if they wanted them. A lot of this depends on how many fields / teams you can get together.

We charged a lot but that was ’cause the fields were expensive. We charged about 35 buck and that included all the games, the tournament at the end, the dinner for the tournament, a disc and some tee-shirts. You should adjust your price to whatever you think you can get back. The shirts weren’t printed till the last half of the season…but that’s not necessarily something good. 🙂

These are some rules that we didn’t play by but for a summer league I liked. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/4633/02ccul/notes.html

Way back Summer League

I’m starting to think about this years summer league. I’m definitly leaning towards the “clique” format. Last year it was very difficult trying to keep the teams with enough players each night. though I am proud to say that we had 60 some players each week. Part of the problem last year was making sure we had at least 7 on each team. We just streched the available players to far with 6 teams. What I’m hoping will happen this year is that teams will form that can force eachother attending each game. We’ll see… Hopefully, it also increases community participation!

Way Back – Ultimate Frisbee League

Here’s an announcement for HUCL’s 2002 Summer league. Side note: all the photos were taken by your’s truly, Fresa Jacobs.

Last years league went pretty well. First one in Columbia, Mo in the last 10 to 15 years. I organized pretty much all of it last year and I’m starting planning this years. Takes a lot of time and the ability to deal with complaints, because it’s never be run the way everyone wants. But since it was free last year, I don’t think too many complained. I’m looking into getting Parks and Rec involved with it this year, it’s just a thought. Stay tuned for more updates on this year’s Ultimate Frisbee summer league.

Way Back – Countdown

In about 48 hours I’ll be 28. Have I learned anything earth shattering in those 28 years.. Actually, if one does take the time to think about it.. I have learned a lot, quite a lot actually. I’ve learned how to tie my shoes, how to walk, how to communicate my wants and needs and a whole host of other things. But I don’t know that I’ve learned anything earth shattering?

What have I learned that would even be considered earth shattering, es? I’m assuming that something es to one person wouldn’t necessarily be the es for me? Perhaps learning to tie one’s shoe is es, especially if you’ve only used Velcro. Or maybe the ability to communicate is es, since now you have the power to shatter someone’s world. But this is not really a subject on which we need to spend too much time. The main idea is that I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything earth shattering.

Learning to communicate could be earth shattering

Way back – Time…

9 days and counting…

New Year’s Resolutions —

  • get a better job
  • cut down on soda and caffine consumption
  • Try something new
  • Follow budget
  • Go on a ski vacation with friends
  • Attend High School Reunion
  • Be outgoing, speakup
  • Think about getting a new car

Update 2008: I’ve been grabbing these off the wayback machine, since I deleted most of this content at one point in time.  I’m not grabbing everything since it was either a link to an article or not much worth saving.

Way Back – What Drives Me…

Another personality test.. actually this one is the result of an inkblot test.

Update: someone wanted to know where I found this “test”.. www.emode.com

fresa, your unconscious mind is driven most by Peace

You are driven by a higher purpose than most people. You have a deeply-rooted desire to facilitate peacefulness in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with love ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to influence the world.

You are driven by a desire to encourage others to think about the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. The reason your unconscious is consumed by this might stem from an innate fear of war and turmoil. Thus, to avoid that uncomfortable place for you, your unconscious seeks out the peace in your environment.

Usually, the thing that underlies this unconscious drive is a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it. As a result, your personal integrity acts as a surrogate for your deeper drive toward peace and guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Peace, there is much more to who you are at your core.

Way Back – A Knight Would be Nice

Don’t you just love all those on-line quizes out there… 🙂

You have created a mostly satisfying life, full of friends, fun and accomplishment. But you won’t fully enjoy the fruits of your labors until you realize that you derail yourself by succumbing to periods of intense longing for that mythical guy in shining armor. Don’t put off making all areas of your life as satisfying as possible. For example, having a home that feels like a haven (not a temporary pit stop) adds to your emotional wellness. Plus, desperation to be wed can lead to unwise choices in love partners. Never align yourself with someone who shows signs of being emotionally or physically abusive.

Regularly remind yourself of your accomplishments and blessings in life. Counteract those occasional “I don’t have a man in my life” blues with self-affirming mantras you recite daily. For instance, look in the mirror every morning and say, “I have a full, happy life, whether I am with a man or not.”

Here’s the bonus to that game plan: Revel in your strength, and strong men will be attracted to you.

wayback – Riddle me this…

Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

The answer is “Language”.

The key is the phrase “the English language.” In this three-word phrase, the third word is simply the word “language.” Get it? “Language” is definitely something that “everyone uses every day”! Without that quirky little twist, the puzzle would be just another trivia question, not a riddle.