way back – busy busy

Been rather busy lately, sorry to my 1 or 2 readers for the lack of updates.

New job is going alright, still pretty busy as I’m trying to get my previous job assignments completed and all the new ones started. Can alternate between frustration and joy, if that’s possible.

Going to St. Louis this weekend for another Ultimate Frisbee tournament, Summer Soaker. I’m hoping that the break in the hot weather we are experiencing will last. I even turned off my air conditioner for the day. We are again traveling as a co-ed team. Hopefully laying the ground work for a traveling team this fall!!

Ok, back to the air conditioner. It’s just a small little window unit, but I’ve found that the drip is great for watering. I’ve a 5 gallon bucket catching the drips, after about a day it’s half full. There is enough water each day to water either my front or backyard potted plants. Plus, since it gets filled everyday I don’t have to worry about my dog running out of water and since it gets emptied everyday I don’t have to worry about breeding mosquitos.

way back – Slacker

ya, I know I’ve not posted anything in a while, so call me a slacker. Nothing much new is going on in the world.. Well, I did go to Carbondale, Illinois over the weekend for an ultimate frisbee tournament. Sounds like fun doesn’t it, it was and I’m sure there are quite a few sore checks today.

Well, I need to get back to work

way back – Distribution of surnames

Creates a colored map indicating which states have the highest concentrations, 1/10,000-1/100, of people with a given surname during 1850, 1880, 1920 and 1990. If you select all years it will rotate through the four options. Track a name across the years.
Like Salisbury:
1850 – population boom in Ohio.
1880 – high 1/1000 concentrations in Michigan, Indianna, Maine, New York, Virginia, Pennsyvania
1920 – Oregan, Wisconson, Michigan, New York, Massachucetts
1990 – all over…

Only drawback is it only has the 50,000 most common last names.

way back – Throughts…

Looking through the images on the Infrared Zoo Gallery I had a thought. I wonder if anyone has though about researching the relation of predator, prey, location and infrared emissions.

Coat/body color/patterns create camouflage patterns for predator or prey. Prey animals seem to favor more fur which hide them in shade or some other way to lower infrared emissions. Predators had larger areas of heat that showed up bright white in infrared. Must also take into account original locations of animals: desert, forest, water, etc.

Implications for evolution, if infrared could be seen by the naked eye? Thicker fur, feathers, hair or blubber all in lighter colors that don’t radiate heat. Patterns that blend with sun and shade. Possible rise in populations of cold blooded animals.

way back – Breaks Over

Had an interesting weekend, went to St. Louis is go to Six Flags on Friday, ended up going to the Science Center and Matrix II. Both could be considered good substitutions. Compared to what others have said, Matrix 2 is actually a pretty good movie, after you get over the first 20 minutes when Neo and Trinity can’t keep their hands off eachother. I guess that was suppose to let us know how much they were in love.

One of the reasons I enjoyed the movie was that it continued on the theme that was orginal to the first movie. What happens all too often in sequels is that the producers/ directers take what made the movie a hit the first time and splice together something with double those particular elements, while forgetting to work on an interesting plot line. A prime example is Batman and its sequals. The first two were pretty good. However, subsequent movies quickly turned into powerpuff, smash bash, get the girls movies. Which fell quite flat on the interest factor.

If you’re so inclinded in considering if it is true to the original plot, consider what the plot is based upon. At least part of the plot line seems to be based in Roman & Greek, Gnostic and Christian stories. One indication are character names…

Morpheus – The god of dreams in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
Neo – new and different or new and abnormal.
Trinity – In most Christian faiths, the union of three divine persons, in one person.

Niobe – The daughter of Tantalus who, after boasting that she had more children than Leto, suffered the killing of her own children by Artemis and Apollo, and turned to stone while bewailing their loss.

Persephone – The daughter of Demeter and Zeus who was abducted by Hades but rescued by her mother and thereafter spent six months of the year on earth and six months in the underworld.

Merovingian – Of or pertaining to the first Frankish dynasty in Gaul or France. — n. One of the kings of this dynasty.

Seraph – The first of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. A celestial being having three pairs of wings.

oh ya and there was the KeyMaker.. stong tie to ghostbuster in that sequence.

Way back – Summer League Notice…

Before the first Tuesday of play 77 individuals registered to play in the ultimate frisbee summer league. Unfortunely, we have already lost one due to summer school and job conflicts, so the count had fallen down to 76. However, there is an upside…. Tuesday night 7 more people showed up to pickup. Number of individuals that have participated in Summer League has definetly topped 80. Still this number can be misleading at times. Of those 80, some will only be able to participate half the time and there are a few that haven’t shown up to play.

I’ve been working hard on my emails to the summer league participants. Bad emails can turn people off. This is a copy I just sent out to the Frisbee League.
I hope you’ll had a fun time at league last night. Thanks to Team 1 for the food and drink. Next week Team 2, Daddy’s Little Peanut, will be bringing food. I’ve heard they are planning on ‘raisin’ the bar on after-game food and entertainment. I’m ‘nut’ kidding.

All the games were close, I’m sure there was lots of thrilling frisbee action! Final scores were 13-11, 13-10 and 13-10! Thanks to everyone that made it out. Remember to get in touch with your captain if you can’t make it out to play on a particular night.

Encourage your friends to come out and play. Pickups are more than welcome and will be placed on teams by the captains.

If you’re interested in getting in more Ultimate Frisbee playing time, come out to pickup. It’s held every Thursday at 5:30 on Epple and 3:00 on Sundays at Hinkson. Shake out those sore muscles with more ultimate!

Summer League: http://ultimate.mu.org/events/2003/summer/index.html

Columbia Ultimate Frisbee: http://ultimate.mu.org/

way back – strange uncontrolable urges

humorous interchange:
M: off to lunch.
K: where you going?
M: home, I’ve left over pizza.
K: sounds good, what kind?
M: artichoke, sliced tomato and pepper jack cheese.
K: *look of disgust* So you just having a cheese pizza and where’s your meat?
M: *look of disbelief* no…, it’s not a cheese pizza, it has artichokes and tomatos.
K: so you’re just having a cheese pizza?
M: a cheese pizza has nothing but cheese
K: so the cheese was your meat?
M: oh geez, I have to go to lunch.

Side Note: K believes there should be a meat item with every meal.

Random thought?
Whats the sense of winning an expensive makeover and telling them to not cut your hair? Hair grows back, doesn’t it? and is it really a makeover if all you get is a trim?