Been rather busy lately, sorry to my 1 or 2 readers for the lack of updates.
New job is going alright, still pretty busy as I’m trying to get my previous job assignments completed and all the new ones started. Can alternate between frustration and joy, if that’s possible.
Going to St. Louis this weekend for another Ultimate Frisbee tournament, Summer Soaker. I’m hoping that the break in the hot weather we are experiencing will last. I even turned off my air conditioner for the day. We are again traveling as a co-ed team. Hopefully laying the ground work for a traveling team this fall!!
Ok, back to the air conditioner. It’s just a small little window unit, but I’ve found that the drip is great for watering. I’ve a 5 gallon bucket catching the drips, after about a day it’s half full. There is enough water each day to water either my front or backyard potted plants. Plus, since it gets filled everyday I don’t have to worry about my dog running out of water and since it gets emptied everyday I don’t have to worry about breeding mosquitos.